Max Thaysen/ Cortes Currents - Around the globe, people are dealing as best they can with the novel coronavirus outbreak, SARS-CoV-2, also known as Covid-19.

After we wash our hands, don a facemask and avoid non-essential travel and socialization – many of us are looking for ways to maximize our immune function.

A quick internet search will reveal an assortment of advice on what foods, lifestyle and supplements may increase your resistance to contracting the virus, and your resilience to illness if you do.

But there are internet resources that say the opposite – supplements are unproven and those peddling them are pseudoscientists.

Cortescurrents sought to shed light on the importance of the immune system and how we can support it.

We connected with Dr Jenna Creaser from the Cortes Community Health Centre and Dr Philip Calder.

Photo credit: Chantrelle jackpot by Suzanne LaGasa via Flickr (CC BY SA, 2.0 License)