Roy L Hales/ Cortes Currents - This is the 13th annual cycle for Dr. Emily Ellingsen Memorial Bursaries.
She passed away on February 19, 2010 at the age of 31. Applications for two $2,000 Bursaries will be accepted until midnight on August 15, 2022.

Her husband, Aaron Ellingsen, explained, “I think it was actually her dad, John Woolley's idea, but the two of us felt the bursary just represented her attitude and her enthusiasm for life and for just grabbing the world and doing things. It seemed like a good way and very much in the spirit of her education and approach to life.”

He added, “She was one of the most incurable optimists I've ever met, not in an unrealistic way, but just in a ‘living in the moment’ kind a way.”