Roy L Hales/ Cortes Currents - How can CKTZ best support its listeners during an emergency?

Cortes Radio is conducting an emergency communications survey, which you will find on their website.

“We're trying to find out what the community wants in terms of emergency communication, and what CKTZ can provide. I think that it's a really important project, so I hope that people will take the 30 seconds that it takes to fill out a survey and consider honestly what it is that they feel our community radio can offer them in a emergency event,” said CLIO FM, who's in charge of this project.

There are paper copies of the survey at the Co-op, as well stores across the island. There is also an online version at Cortes

The survey includes questions like:

Do you have a battery or hand crank radio as part of your home emergency kit?
How do you think Cortes Community Radio could best support local residents during an emergency or extreme weather situation?
What information is most important to you in an emergency broadcast?

The Cortes Community Radio Society was established in 2004 and Article 2.g of its' constitution  states that one of the station’s purposes is “to establish an ongoing community radio station that can broadcast important information to the community in cooperation with emergency services.”

On August 29, 2017 the station signed a  Memorandum of understanding with Strathcona Regional District, stating its willingness to provide temporary usage of the station during emergencies.

As SRD Protective services co-ordinator Shaun Koopman explained,”the Strathcona Regional District has signed a memorandum of understanding with the awesome folks at CKTZ at 89.5 FM to serve as the Strathcona Regional District’s direct emergency operation center public broadcasting system. Information is aid. Messaging saves lives. So to have a method for our local government to send you and a message that will be broadcasted exactly as it is, exactly as we ask them to send it out at a community level, is an exponential aid to the residents that we intend to serve after a major emergency.”

One of the questions in the survey is ‘would you like to learn more about volunteering with Cortes Community Radio's Emergency Communications team?’

Clio FM spoke about the possibility that the stations DJs could step forward, but everyone is welcome.