Roy L Hales/ Cortes Currents - “ What Hollyhock is bringing to the world in 2023 is personal growth for social transformation. I'm really excited to see the world opening up, but with a recognition that things need to change. Cortes offers a really unique perspective on that because it's an island. It's a small community of people who know each other and there is the opportunity to live a more sustainable lifestyle here. When I think of Hollyhock at its best, it's a leadership or a learning lab for what could be and I think that Cortes is a huge part of that,” said Peter Wrinch, the CEO of Hollyhock. 

Prior to the pandemic, Hollyhock was one of the island’s principal businesses. The road back has been rocky at times, but from what Wrinch says the Cortes Island educational centre may be heading towards one of its best years ever.