Roy L Hales/Cortes Currents - Three quarters of Quadra Island lies outside of the fire protection zone. BC Wildfires responds to forest fires in this area, but normally do not come on to private property. Last June, the Strathcona Regional District (SRD) asked North Island residents if they would to have the same level of coverage as the south. While roughly half of the respondents said they thought all Quadra residents should have the same level of protection, 64% indicated they were happy with the present system and less than 10% were willing to pay for any additional coverage. The Electoral Areas Services Committee (EASC) instructed SRD staff to draw up a report on how to move forward. Staff suggested forming an advisory group, comprised of representatives from each of the residential areas on the north island. Instead, EASC decided to let the proposal to extend Quadra’s fire protection die.