Previous Episode: Deep Roots - Owl Wisdom
Next Episode: A Reshuffling of Atoms

Rick Bockner/ Deep Roots - “Do trees communicate? Do they look after each other and other species?

Story Producer Rick Bockner unearths a sophisticated network of co-dependent life forces, below and above our feet.
“Every year, millions of people go to the forests to hike, camp, gather foods and medicines, and to renew themselves.We instinctively respond to the presence of trees, especially old ones, by slowing down, and becoming more silent, and Time slows and we begin to see things we had not considered before. Imagine the patience of trees.”

“Current research, as well as ancient knowledge, tells us that our lives are dependent on, and intertwined with trees. In this documentary we will explore forests as parallel communities to ours. This is more literally true than you might expect.”