Roy L Hales / Cortes Currents - COVID update fror While the rest of BC reels under reports of COVID’s third wave, it still does not appear to more than touched North Vancouver Island. The number of active cases has risen slightly, to 37, as of late yesterday afternoon.

Island Health does not report any school exposures north of Qualicum.

According to statistics released yesterday,the number of active cases the Greater Campbell River are dropped to 4 during the epi-week ending on Saturday, April 10th.

Quadra Island’s whole island vaccination will begin on Monday, May 3, 2021.

With the number of active cases across British Columbia getting close to 10,000, the province is discussing possible restrictions on businesses and social activities and travel. The current ban on indoor dining may be extended into May.

Photo credit: The MV Aurora Explorer cruises toward the Seymour Narrows in Discovery Passage between Vancouver and Quadra islands by David Stanley via Flickr (CC BY SA, 2.0 License)