Roy L Hales/ Cortes Currents - The Cortes Housing Society’s Virtual Forum kicks off this Saturday with a program on home sharing. This is a monthly event, co-sponsored by Folk-U. At 10 AM this Saturday host Sadhu Johnston will be joined by Noelle Marcus, from the US homeshare program Nesterly, and Janey Rowland, from the SGI (Southern Gulf Island) Housing Now Project.

“We all  know that there are a lot of homes that are underutilized or empty, and there are also a lot of homes that are just under-occupied. Maybe the kids have moved away, or for whatever reason there is an extra bedroom.  We know there are a good number of people on Cortes who are single and would be happy with a bedroom in a house,” explained Sadhu Johnston, executive director of the Cortes Housing Society. 

“The idea of home sharing really came out pretty vividly for me during the housing forum last December. When we were having conversations in the breakout sessions,  I just heard a number of times that people have space in their house but would need some support to rent out a room.  That's where the home sharing idea really came up as a possible solution. Home sharing providers really help to vet potential tenants, take a look at the house, make sure it's good and help to make those connections work.”