Roy L Hales/ Cortes Currents - Cortes Island will be holding its very own film festival in Mansons Hall on Sunday July 17, 2022.

George Sirk produced Cortes Cinema’s films, all but one of which was originally shown either at Mansons or Gorge Halls during the 1970s and early 80’s.

The exception is a video made of Ann Mortifee’s performance at Manson's Hall on October 23, 1981, which has never been shown in public.

Doug McCaffry came up with the idea of a film festival, when he was digitalizing Sirk’s films for the Cortes Island Museum.

“Once he saw the films, he was so tickled by them he said, ‘You gotta have a film festival,’” explained Sirk.

“I thought, ‘okay, that'd be interesting. A film festival with only one film producer: myself, right, one producer.’ So I thought, ‘Well, why not?’
We approached the museum and the museum were totally on board.”

Cortes Island Museum is hosting and promoting the festival.