Roy L Hales/Cortes Currents - The two much anticipated Island Class hybrid e-ferries are now in operation on the Campbell River to Quadra Island route.

“This was a long time coming for all of us, but we're pleased to have the vessels going and seeing the throughput at the both ends of the terminals.
There has been some bumps along the road for sure. We've had to make some minor adjustments with the way we stage traffic at the terminals. We're exploring different options, trying to keep the on-time performance and the traffic moving as fast as we can” said Megan Caldwell, the Terminal Manager for BC Ferries.

Cortes Currents attended the online Ferry Advisory Committee (FAC) meeting on Friday, February 3, and subsequently interviewed Karen Johnstone, BC Ferries Executive Director of Communications and Engagement as well as Ushi Koebberling from the FAC.