Roy L Hales/ Cortes Currents - BC Ferries will be holding a Virtual Community Meeting regarding upcoming changes to Campbell River - Quadra Island run from
6:00 - 7:30pm on Wednesday April 7 via Webex.

You will find links to make a reservation on Cortes, Cortes Currents and the Tideline.

There is also a link to an online survey:

Two new Island Class hybrid e-ferris vessels will be taking over BC Ferries Campbell River - Quadra Island route in early 2022.

One vessel will be in service 16 hour hours a day.

The other will be in operation during the peak hours, starting at 7:30am

Both vessels will tie up at Quathiaski Cove, on Quadra Island, when not in service.

BC Ferries has drawn up a proposed schedule which icincludes

- Up to 59% more capacity in peak times
- No changes to the Heriot Bay - Whaletown schedule
- Short breaks in the schedule in the morning and evening to provide crew on both vessels with their required meal breaks