Manda Aufochs Gillespie/ Folk U - Cortes Currents - As smoke fills the air and people told to close the windows after being told to open them to air out viral loads during the pandemic, the question forefront on many minds is “Are we prepared for what’s coming?”

On this special two hour live show, first aired on 9/11, a day associated with disaster across North America, Donna MacPherson from BC Coastal Fire Centre and Shaun Koopman from the Strathcona Regional District discuss how Cortes and Quadra are uniquely prepared, or not, for wildfires and other emergencies that may call for evacuation and which ones we will need to shelter through in-place.

They are joined by Debrah Zemanek is Forest Technician with BA Blackwell & Associates and Mark Lombard from the Cortes Island Forestry General Partnership.