Roy L Hales/ Cortes Currents - The official count isn’t in yet, but more than 300 people turned out for this year’s Seafest. This is the annual celebration and fund raiser of the Cortes Island Seafood Association, which was held in Squirrel Cove again this year.

“We come back every year. This is our 10th time. We love it every year. It's awesome. There's amazing food and amazing people and weather's gorgeous,” exclaimed Jason Thompson. “One thing that stuck out for us was there was only a lineup on one side this year. In the past, it's been both sides, and there was always a little bit of confusion, and, 'oh, I didn't get that'. So people would come in and get their food, and you'd look at them going, 'get out of my way,' but no, it's beautiful. It's run really nice, and the music's perfect.”

Thaddeus Conrad from Med Man Brand believes markets like this are ‘extremely important for the community. It's an opportunity for me to meet people from around the world, and show everyone from around the world the island love.’”

As the line-up extended almost back to the Squirrel Cove Store parking lot, it seemed like a good idea to start out by circulating among the vendors.