Area Di Rigore, your weekly dosage of Serie A brought to you by Breaking the lines and hosted by Dharnish Iqbal.

Join us to discuss all things Calcio, North to South, Spalleti to Allegri, Berardi to Tammy Abraham.

This week on the podcast @DharnishSizlak has a very interesting guest: Alex Barker (@Euro_Expert), an incredible journalist and writer for Breaking The Lines.

Here are some of the topics discussed:

- The leader, AC Milan's injury woes continue with Kjaer out for the season.

- Is Mourinho past his prime? Where will Roma Finish

- Inter Milan are now the Title favorite?

- Atlanta push themselves in for Scudetto contention,

- Will Napoli succumb to their injuries?

- Is 'Serie A' the most entertaining league in the world right now?