Since that fateful day when President Trump quietly announced that he thuoght hydroxychloroquine might be worth considering to help fght the China Communist Party Wuhan Virus, the forces of darkness (MSM, CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA, Dems, et al) lashed out with vehement and unrelenting attacks on anything and anyone related to that prospect.

Yet, due to the pioneering efforts of independent physicians such as Dr. Vladimir Zelenko (Dr. Zev), armed only with medical knowledge and the desire to save lives, the truth about the efficacy of HCQ is now widely accepted. Once again, Trump is right, his enemies are wrong.

Several studies have now been published, with more coming out on a daily baisis, proving that HCQ+ Zinc is not only an effective treatment tool upon contracting the illness, it is an effective prophylaxis.

Six major studies have been released already just this month, showing positive clinical studies of hydroxychloroquine. Three of the studies were performed here in America, and the others in India, Brazil, and Portugal.

Hydroxychloroquine can save lives in COVID-19 fight, as Dr. Zelenko said months ago in an interview with Dr. Corsi bakc on April 3, 2020.

With the continuing outbreak of illness in Kazakhstan, ironlically, the local embassy of Communist China is warning its citizens of a "strange pneumonia" even more deadly than coronavirus in the former Soviet republic. Is this merely the launch point for the new COVID-20, as predicted by Dr. Corsi in his ebook:

If is accurate, "Hezbollah is working with Mexican cartels to smuggle weapons and jihadis into the U.S. They work with street gangs and prison gangs to move product & people. Hence my counter-terrorism analysts are consistently tracking activity at the border."

As BLM violently attacks peaceful church goers here in the US, and BLM in the UK has alligned with the PLO, this is a world-wide army of darkness with a battle plan in action to destroy all of Western civilization.

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