Hello eveyone and welcome to episode 43!. 


**The Corpse Crew**

Grand Nagus  - @grandnagus1

Juuno - @Juunoswow


**Very Special Guests**


**Geeks of Azeroth** @GeeksofAzeroth

Il'Gynoth, the World Trees and Norse Mythology - What do they tell us about Azeroth's future?

**Kavo350** @Kavo350 and **Silver Letomi** @SilverLeto

[WoW Parody] Classic (by Silverletomi and Kavo)

**Hirumaredx** @Hirumared

Top 10 Removed Class Fantasy Abilities, Flavor, and Things in WoW

**Sharm** @Sharmiex

Sharm ~ Rise Azshara (World Of Warcraft Song)

**Ceschiia** @ChiaRocks

Night Elf Edge Lord [WoW Parody]

Last but not least i would like to thank Patty Mattson, the Voice of our beloved Dark Lady for our intros and outro. You can find her on Twitter @PattyMattson and on her webpage pattymattson.com check out her awesome work. We love you, Patty!!

We hope you enjoy this episode!  Thank you so much for the iTunes and Stitcher reviews!  You can tweet the show @CorpseRunRadio, and you can email the us at [email protected].

You can also find us on Facebook at Corpse Run Radio

 Check out amazing artist Frenone!!  Creator of our CRR logo Find more about her at www.frenone.net@frenone;  http://Twitch.tv/frenone Patreon.com/frenone - we LOVE her!!!!  

And as always....may the Dark Lady watch over you!

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