We discussed not working for the weekends and the question of work/life balance along with the question of pursuing a paycheck (job) vs. passion.  See this TED talk too.

We talked about pricing models and 6 minute increments (Time & materials) vs. widget pricing (unit basis).  Here is a detailed dive into pricing.

Dan used the opportunity of money he inherited from his Grandfather as the cushion allowing him to “jump” which he calls stupid financially but really isn’t.

Dan plays the lottery which he thinks is financially stupid but he does it anyway.  Check out this podcast.

Dan talks about the loss of structure in setting up his own business so is building back structure by renting studio space.  He also books appointments early in the day to force structure to his life. Here are other ideas.

Dan is always in learning mode.  He believes that is one of the nice factors of the photography industry in sharing knowledge.  He mentioned the following organizations:

Professional Photographers of America

Texas Professional Photographers Association

Dan discussed the difference between specializing and meeting the needs of the many by offering a more full spectrum of photography services.  He has favorites but needs to offer all to earn a living.  Here is an interesting discussion.

Dan would love to be a documentarian. See this guide to documentary photography.

I believe Dan is a natural storyteller.  There are numerous resources on improving your storytelling skills.  Here is one.

Dan can be found at dbephotography.com and @dbephoto on Instagram