Ep. 102: When Mike and Bob Bryan retired from professional tennis in 2020, they held 118 doubles titles and 16 grand slam doubles championships. They spent 439 weeks ranked #1 in the world, which doubled the streak of any other duo.

And while singles tennis tends to capture the popular imagination more than doubles, the brothers' infectious energy on the court earned them the ATP Tour "fan favorites" for 13 consecutive years.

These charismatic geniuses of the court valued their relationship more than winning, offering a fitting lesson for any leader who knows that how you react to your teammates when you lose can determine how well you improve to win the next time.

Visit https://donyaeger.com/corporate-competitor-podcast/episode-102/ for a free gift and today’s show notes!

Special thanks to Brian Schnorr, Sevas Cardona, and Dane Massey for making this episode possible.