Ep. 85: With 1M TikTok followers — tripple any Major League Baseball team — the minor league baseball team in Savannah, Georgia creates raving fans. In this episode, the team's owner Jesse Cole helps you design the ultimate customer experience through tools that identify friction points in your current processes. Visit  https://donyaeger.com/corporate-competitor-podcast/episode-85/ for a free gift and today's show notes!

You Will Learn:

(5:00) How to use “Idea Paloozas” to grow good ideas from the seeds of bad ideas.

(10:00) The “secret shopper” method Jesse uses to learn how fans really feel.

(15:30) Why customer experience trumps sales and revenue metrics every day.

(17:00) How to identify points of friction in your company. (Hint: NOT surveys!)

(26:30) How to have more fun at work.

(30:00) How to recharge through an “energy audit” of your calendar.

(36:00) How to create a vision like Walt Disney.

Special thanks to Florida State's Lauren Hafner for making this episode possible.