Ep. 105: Tim Ryan is a lifelong hockey guy and current running enthusiast, but the sports metaphor he reaches for to describe his role as the US Chair & Senior Partner of global financial powerhouse PwC is football.

"Too often in corporate America, we go into the huddle where we agree on a pass play but not on what routes everybody is running," he said. "In our case, we came into the huddle and decided we would be more diverse. But we never explored the best-in-class opportunities for executing this goal. It's up to the quarterback, or in the case of a business, the leader, to be responsible for implementing such a process."

Tim took this responsibility so seriously that he co-founded CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion™, where CEOs can gather to share best practices and ideas on equity. What started as a few CEOs collaborating in 2017 has turned into 2,200 leaders representing 21 million employees.

Visit CorporateCompetitorpodcast.com/105 for a free gift and today’s show notes!

Special thanks to Lauren Hafner and Brian Schnor for making this episode possible.