Ep. 65: Playing and coaching basketball-shaped this business icon. Long before he became a famous NBA coach with the New York Knicks and an analyst at ESPN, Jeff Van Gundy coached high school basketball in Rochester, New York, and Kevin LeGrett was all the wiser and better equipped to lead because of their relationship.

Upon graduating from college embarking on a career of his own, Kevin developed a reputation for generating tremendous bottom-line profit growth for the biggest media companies in the world, including CBS Radio, Citadel Broadcasting, and currently iHeartMedia.

In this podcast, Kevin connects listeners to the great chain of learning and leading he’s enjoyed through the years, including: 

Why leaders should “talk to themselves… but not listen to themselves." How to find your team’s "extra dimension." Why do great coaches and leaders have great skill sets and mindsets... and also great resets.

Visit https://donyaeger.com/corporate-competitor-podcast/episode-65/ for a free gift and today’s show notes!