Ep. 60: Baseball shaped this highly competitive and goal-oriented executive. Adi Ignatius is a leader who comes to play—whether the “play” involves slow-pitch softball or transforming the country’s oldest and most influential academic business journal.

His success includes writing for the Wall Street Journal, receiving a nomination for the Pulitzer Prize, writing for the Far Eastern Economic Review, Time Asia, and Time Magazine, where he became Executive Editor and Deputy Managing Editor before stepping down from Time to take the top job at HBR in 2009.

At HBR he was challenged with leading the transformation of a venerable and beloved business journal into a leading-edge digital platform. That he achieved this and kept the Review’s fiercely loyal readership engaged testifies to the inventiveness and flexibility of Adi’s mind.

In this episode, he shares stories and observations about the relationship between baseball and business. These include the batter whose appearance made him see business in a whole new light and the three key ingredients that keep winning teams winning together.


Visit https://donyaeger.com/corporate-competitor-podcast/episode-60/ for a free gift and today’s show notes!