Ep. 88: Coach K and Duke Basketball shaped this sportscaster and lawyer. As a four-year starter on Duke’s basketball team and former member of the coaching staff of two national championship teams, Jay learned the art of being demanding without being demeaning– an art at which Jay says Coach K excelled. “He was very demanding,” noted Jay. “But his criticism never cut into your character as a person or an athlete. It was about your performance.” This way of managing people balances keeping teammates confident and accountable to each other.

Visit https://donyaeger.com/corporate-competitor-podcast/episode-88/ for a free gift and today’s show notes!

Special thanks to Savannah Hill for making this episode possible.

You Will Learn:

(16:00) How to leverage your body language. (20:00) The danger of “becoming your own opponent.” (30:00) How to increase your mental toughness. (38:00) The difference between “not missing a shot” and “making the shot” in any performance.