Ep. 9: Edinboro basketball shaped this business icon. Xavier Williams, who played college basketball at Edinboro University, spent 30 years working for AT&T and rose to become President of the Public Sector and FirstNet. He leads with the motto: “Culture trumps strategy.” In this episode, you will get a behind the scenes look into how Xavier took one of the country’s lowest-ranking AT&T branches, and turned it into the fourth-best within two and half years, without changing a single team member. Xavier reveals steps you can implement today to spur growth and camaraderie. Doing the work from 8 to 5 is expected, but it takes a true Corporate Competitor to prepare and expand your knowledge from 5 to 8. Leaders are learners, and Xavier Williams is the perfect example. Visit Episode 9 on corporatecompetitorpodcast.com for a show outline and free resources!