Ep. 72: Former hockey coach John Bacon offers lessons he learned turning the nation’s worst high school hockey team into one of its most celebrated.  Subscribe here https://donyaeger.com/corporate-competitor-podcast/episode-72/ for a free gift and today’s show notes! You will learn:

5:00 Why a star system demotivates the entire team. 11:00 The best way to make your team “special.” 12:00 How to be patient with results, but not behavior. 14:30 Mentors are far more important than pay for your first job. 18:00 How to put values over victories 22:00 How to measure statistics in business. 23:30 Why silos are death for team spirit. 24:45 How to break down the sales vs. service silo. 30:00 How to increase discretionary energy. 35:00 How to handle credit given to you and your team. 38:00 The heartwarming story of John’s player Scooter

Special thanks to Florida State's Brian Schnorr for making this episode possible.