Episode 31 sees a new week beginning with the world shutting down to fight coronavirus by stopping the spread by any means possible.  Austria, France, and Spain join Italy in lockdown as Europe's outbreak accelerates wildly.  We cycle the Anglosphere to see New Zealand closing down fast, Australia treading water, the United States stumbling, and the UK preparing for the worst.  Ohio offers an example of aggressive proactive action for social distancing as other states and cities begin independently doing the same.  New numbers suggest a higher case fatality rate, in both the best case scenario, and the unfortunately more realistic situation we are moving toward which will sorely test each country's medical system but for a fortunate few.

Join the Telegram chat at: https:/t.me/coronaviruscentral.com
Facebook: @coronaviruscentral
Twitter: @coronaviruscast
YouTube:  Coronavirus Central

Latest statistics: https://covid19info.live/
Case sources: https://bnonews.com/
Covid-19 news: http://covidreport.net/
CDC US Case and Test Count: CDC Update

Coronavirus lockdowns across Europe and Australia's preparations: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-03-16/coronavirus-lockdowns-how-do-they-work/12057870

How Spain is managing both political tensions and the viral outbreak in lockdown: "https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/15/world/europe/spain-coronavirus.html"

Italian doctor reports patients are lucidly approaching their death with desire to have last words with family; https://nypost.com/2020/03/13/italian-doctor-describes-coronavirus-patients-last-calls-to-loved-ones/

Lancet offers updated projections on CFR: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(20)30195-X/fulltext

Two US ER doctors in critical condition with Coronavirus: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/15/us/coronavirus-physicians-emergency-rooms.html

UK predicts 8 million people to need hospital assistance: https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1255724/coronavirus-uk-latest-news-covid-19-coronavirus-europe-outbreak-boris-johnson-trump-US

Ohio shuts down bars and restaurants expecting multiple "Wuhans" nationally: https://www.dispatch.com/news/20200315/coronavirus-governor-orders-ohio-bars-restaurants-to-shut-down

Minnesota deregulates ambulances in anticipation of additional need: <

Episode 31 sees a new week beginning with the world shutting down to fight coronavirus by stopping the spread by any means possible.  Austria, France, and Spain join Italy in lockdown as Europe's outbreak accelerates wildly.  We cycle the Anglosphere to see New Zealand closing down fast, Australia treading water, the United States stumbling, and the UK preparing for the worst.  Ohio offers an example of aggressive proactive action for social distancing as other states and cities begin independently doing the same.  New numbers suggest a higher case fatality rate, in both the best case scenario, and the unfortunately more realistic situation we are moving toward which will sorely test each country's medical system but for a fortunate few.

Join the Telegram chat at: https:/t.me/coronaviruscentral.com
Facebook: @coronaviruscentral
Twitter: @coronaviruscast
YouTube:  Coronavirus Central

Latest statistics: https://covid19info.live/
Case sources: https://bnonews.com/
Covid-19 news: http://covidreport.net/
CDC US Case and Test Count: CDC Update

Coronavirus lockdowns across Europe and Australia's preparations: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-03-16/coronavirus-lockdowns-how-do-they-work/12057870

How Spain is managing both political tensions and the viral outbreak in lockdown: "https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/15/world/europe/spain-coronavirus.html"

Italian doctor reports patients are lucidly approaching their death with desire to have last words with family; https://nypost.com/2020/03/13/italian-doctor-describes-coronavirus-patients-last-calls-to-loved-ones/

Lancet offers updated projections on CFR: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(20)30195-X/fulltext

Two US ER doctors in critical condition with Coronavirus: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/15/us/coronavirus-physicians-emergency-rooms.html

UK predicts 8 million people to need hospital assistance: https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1255724/coronavirus-uk-latest-news-covid-19-coronavirus-europe-outbreak-boris-johnson-trump-US

Ohio shuts down bars and restaurants expecting multiple "Wuhans" nationally: https://www.dispatch.com/news/20200315/coronavirus-governor-orders-ohio-bars-restaurants-to-shut-down

Minnesota deregulates ambulances in anticipation of additional need: https://www.firerescue1.com/fire-products/personal-protective-equipment-ppe/articles/minnesota-issues-5-day-emergency-suspension-of-ambulance-services-memo-RVIilYFeqaqAyhmz/

CDC now advising no gatherings over 50 people for next 8 weeks: https://abc7news.com/health/covid-19-no-large-gatherings-for-next-8-weeks-cdc/6016468/

New Zealand shuts down most air traffic and requires 14 day quarantine for all entrants: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/16/we-dont-want-to-be-italy-new-zealand-bans-gatherings-of-more-than-500-due-to-coronavirus

Canadian airports packed, fail to inform travelers to self-quarantine: https://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/coronavirus-the-major-breakdown-at-canadian-airports/

Mexico goes forward with 70,000 ticketed music festival despite coronavirus fears: https://apnews.com/96c71c1f4bd4c202d1d06e00b9f36d51

Inflammation of the lower lungs leaves body defenseless: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-08/coronavirus-nears-fatal-tipping-point-when-lungs-are-inflamed

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