This is Coronavirus 411, the latest COVID-19 info and new hotspots… Just the facts… for July 14th, 2021.


COVID-19 is rising again in the U.S. after months of decline. In fact, the number of new cases per day doubled over the past three weeks. That’s attributed to the delta variant, lagging vaccination rates, and Fourth of July gatherings. Only Maine and South Dakota did not have case numbers go up over the past two weeks.


Yesterday we told you the Dutch Prime Minister apologized for an error in judgement in easing restrictions. Today we report infections in the Netherlands jumped by more than 500% over the last week. Of infections that could be traced to their source, 37% happened in a hospitality venue like a bar or club with the biggest surge in 18-24-year-olds.


In one of the fastest reversals of the pandemic, California health officials issued a statewide policy Monday that’d have barred students from school campuses if they refused to wear masks. Just hours later, they backtracked. Now they will "recognize local schools’ experience in keeping students and educators safe."


A new poll from the Kaiser Family Foundations asked people who were initially reluctant to get a vaccine what changed their mind. About half said it was something they learned, 36% said they were persuaded by somebody, a fourth of them changed when they saw others getting vaccinated without ill effects. 11% were reassured by their doctor. 8% were pressured by family and friends. And 3% did it so they could visit loved ones.


Another poll, this one of New Yorkers, shows 68% of them think the worst is over. Only 17% think the worst is yet to come. 84% are at least somewhat comfortable having friends over, 80% are okay going to a beach or lakefront, 78% are ready to go on vacation, and 77% feel safe eating indoors at a restaurant.


In the United States cases were up 94%, deaths are down 12%, and hospitalizations are up 16% over 14 days. The 7-day average of new cases has been trending up since July 5. 


There are now 4,879,927 active cases in the United States.


The five states with the most new cases: Florida 5,095. Texas 3,567. California 3,543. Missouri 2,276. And Arkansas 1,476.


The top 10 counties with the highest number of recent cases per capita according to The New York Times: Franklin, LA. Karnes, TX. Reeves, TX. Dimmit, TX. Baxter, AR. Perry, AR. Cherokee, KS. Greene, MO. Taney, MO. And Marion, AR.


There have been 607,754 deaths in U.S. recorded as Covid-related.


The top 3 vaccinating states by percentage of population that’s been fully vaccinated: Vermont at 66.4%, Massachusetts at 62.6%, and Maine at 62.4%. The bottom 3 vaccinating states are Alabama at 33.3%, Mississippi at 33.4%, and Arkansas at 34.9%. The percentage of the U.S. that’s been fully vaccinated is 48%.


The 5 countries with the largest recent 24-hour increase in the number of fully vaccinated people: Saudi Arabia up 7%. Zambia 5%. And Malaysia, Africa, and Nepal 4%.  


Globally, cases were up 17% and deaths down 4% over 14 days, with the 7-day average trending up since June 21.


There are 12,108,039 active cases around the world.


The five countries with the most new cases: Indonesia 47,899. Brazil 45,094. Spain 43,960. India 40,215. And the U.K. 36,660.


There have now been 4,047,669 deaths reported as Covid-related worldwide.


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