Today is April 20th, and as you will learn in this episode, it has much more sinister connotations than just being a stoner holiday.

Dylan Angell started as my friend Noah's little brother in Durham, NC. He played trumpet in his room. That's about all I knew. Over the years he has become a friend completely separate from that.

As an adult, I thought of him as a model/musician/writer (#triplethreat) in New York, but honestly, you never really know with this guy, he could be anywhere, doing anything. Like, you ever see some documentary where they go in the jungle and find an ancient tribe undisturbed by modern bullshit and then a skinny white guy with a beard and a bandana emerges from a hut and you know have no idea what he's doing there? That's Dylan to me. He would probably disagree but I like having my fantasies.

Dylan currently resides in Mexico City, and since I started Coronatose I have been wanting to catch up with him and hear more about what he's up to and what life is like for him down there during this pandemic. As expected, he's thriving.

You can check out a bunch of his published work here and check out his new record with Ezra Noble here.

Please subscribe, rate, and review! Hit me up at [email protected] whydoncha??

Our theme song is me crooning over "Neg-Fi" by Modern Leather