CORONA CHOIR is baaaaaaaack with both "Greatest Choir Director" and "Let the Choir Kid Talk". If you want great ideas on how to maintain and grow choral relationships, for what this episode's main guest thinks of as "the long run" - with not just your choir members but with the other choirs in which they sing - then this really fun episode is for you.  Steve Fisher has an engaging conversation with Frank Van Atta, Choir Director of Upper Choir ensembles at Germantown Friends School, along with three of Frank's students who also are long time members of the community-based Commonwealth Youthchoirs. Choir Kids Graham, Zack and Amelia don't hold back with what they're thinking 11 months (!) into the pandemic.  Click here for the show notes.  And if you are interested in learning more about an engaging online experience for your choir that takes the pressure off you the choir director, visit