#023. The Corona Choir roller coaster continues. With President and Mrs. Trump and many in the White House inner circle having tested positive, everyone is reminded again that this ongoing pandemic is real. The Skagit Valley Chorale (SVC) community needs no reminders. In March this adult choir based in Mt. Vernon, Washington lost two choir members to Covid-19. Be sure to listen to this Friday's episode, as it will be a poignant one for all of us choral folks when Steve has a conversation with SVC choral director Dr. Adam Burdick.  It's the first time Adam has spoken publicly about his and his ensemble's harrowing, heart breaking experience. Today, for Science and Singing Tuesday, we continue talking to Chorus America's CEO Catherine Dehoney about the ongoing education we all need around what the research is, and the tools available to us to keep our choruses safe. She and Steve recall how little we knew in March, when tragedy struck SVC. The reality is, it could have been any of us. Visit the SHOW NOTES to find Catherine's favorite choir and corona choir resources and all sorts of other choral goodies.