#029.  From Matthew Shepard and Tyler Clementi, to the subject of unmarried men who interact with children often being suspected of being pedophiles (!), once again, today's conversation with Adam Burdick of the Skagit Valley Chorale winds its way to unexpected topics that Steve had no intentions of talking about when he first envisioned an interview with Adam. But they're important and fascinating ones, and ones that give both Adam and Steve another dimension as people and choir directors. Tomorrow will be the last audio-only portion of Steve's conversation with Adam. Friday's final part of their 6-part conversation will be a video podcast and will focus on Adam's March 10th choir rehearsal that resulted in almost all of the attendees getting Covid - including him and his wife. Two of Adam's choristers passed away from the disease. Visit the SHOW NOTES for links related to this episode. You can also visit coronachoir.org for more choral goodies.