#031.  How does a choir director react when a stranger tells him he has blood on his hands?  Or when a post to his choir's facebook page asks, "Where's the remorse?"  Dr. Adam Burdick honesty and  poignantly answers  these questions and much more.  Part 6 of Steve's conversation with Adam is the culminating episode of a podcast journey to know Adam, and the widely known story of his Skagit Valley Chorale's March 10th rehearsal that resulted in almost all of the attendees becoming infected by the corona virus - including Adam and his wife.  Two of Adam's choristers succumbed to complications from Covid-19.  Adam lets us know how Skagit is making music now, and gives his firm advice to other choirs that are contemplating making music in the same room.  A video version of this episode can be found on Fisher Mann Podcasts' Youtube channel.  It's a powerfully intense episode, but not without its lighter moments, including fun Ben Folds and Enya tidbits around the topic of virtual choir options. Visit these SHOW NOTES for links related to this episode. You can also visit coronachoir.org for more resources and an opportunity to tour South Africa all expenses paid.