If you run your eCommerce store on Magento 1 and you haven’t begun to migrate over to Magento 2, listen as Georgia Barry, digital strategy consultant at Vaimo, explains why you need to do it.

Key takeaways include: The benefits of migration to your customers, your SEO and your internal teams, how if you stay with Magento 1 then staying secure will cost you, what merchants should consider before migrating, the sexy benefits of Magento 2 compared with Magento 1, and the sexiest feature being the new page builder.

If you run your eCommerce store on Magento 1 and you haven’t begun to migrate over to Magento 2, listen as Georgia Barry, digital strategy consultant at Vaimo,  explains why you should have started your migration two months ago.
In an earlier episode, Guido spoke with Phillip Jackson about the upcoming end of life of Magento 1 on July 1st, 2020. And in today’s episode with Georgia, he delves further into this pertinent topic. 
“It's not a quick project. In my experience, I've seen it take months depending on how sophisticated your Magento 1 solution was, how many integrations and customisations you had. So really it's something that definitely should have been planned for. I would say if you are a Magento 1 merchant, probably a couple of months ago, if not already.”
Georgia has extensive experience helping clients transition from Magento 1 to Magento 2, and she shares her experience with listeners as to what you as a merchant or developer still have time to do. (And estimates suggest that there are over 200,000 shops still using Magento 1.)
So why should you migrate over to Magento 2? 
Besides support for Magento 1 ending, and if your platform is no longer supported, then you're pretty much on your own. And yes, Magento 2 will require a complete restructuring of your entire eCommerce solution, but with it comes better UX - ie improved website speed and usability, better SEO and better customer experience. 
Essentially the benefits will far outweigh the drawbacks.
So if you’re still developing on Magento 1, stop now, as any money you’re spending will be lost as you’ll have to redo it on Magento 2. 
Key takeaways
The benefits of migration to your customers, your SEO and your internal teams
Switch sooner rather than later
If you stay with Magento 1, staying secure will cost you
What merchants should consider before migrating
The sexy benefits of Magento 2 compared with Magento 1
The sexiest feature is the new page builder
Phillip Jackson episode
Georgia Barry on LinkedIn