Meet Mark Miano, Executive Vice President of Sales and Partnerships at Glew. Glew takes all of the data available to you and transforms it into a singular structure.

Key Takeaways:

Why ecommerce businesses need niche data analysis;
ETL - extract, transform and load (the keyword being transform);
KPIs you should be monitoring;
The difficulty of tracking rate of change of LTV over time;
How to integrate Glew data analysis into your standard workflow every day;
How everyone can start using Glew.

Do you run an ecommerce business? Do you struggle with your business insights? Do you get really frustrated with the lack of integration between your ecommerce platform and your different business tools? Then you need Glew.
Meet Mark Miano, Executive Vice President of Sales and Partnerships at Glew. Mark may be a relative newbie on the business scene having only garnered 10 years under his belt, but what he lacks in time served he more than makes up for in insights and industry experience. 
Typically in these podcasts Guido talks about overall trends in the ecommerce world, but in this episode he digs right down into a single product - Glew.
Glew is the most widely used e commerce and multi channel specific business intelligence system available. Yes, there were business intelligence tools before Glew, and yes, there is a wealth of BI tools out there, but Glew is the only one that isn’t generalist. 
Glew specialises in just one industry - e commerce and multi channel i.e. people selling goods and services online or through Amazon, or through POS systems or whatever it might be in this omni channel world.
The point is, if you sell products or services online and you want to increase the quality of your insights, whilst dramatically decreasing the cost of accessing these insights, then you need to listen to Mark talk about Glew. 

According to an Econsultancy and Adobe survey of client-side marketers worldwide, 65% of respondents said improving their data analysis is a very important factor in delivering a better customer experience
A 2016 study by Forbes Insights and SAS found that 90% of executives worldwide who use data analytics noticed it improved their ability to deliver a superior customer experience.
In a Q1 2017 survey of marketers worldwide by the CMO Council and RedPoint Global, 38% of respondents indicated that customers’ fragmented digital consumption is a primary challenge in implementing a data-driven customer experience strategy.
Key takeaways:
Why ecommerce businesses need niche data analysis
ETL - extract, transform and load (the keyword being transform)
KPIs you should be monitoring
The most important metric to be tracking is profit
The most misunderstood metrics are lifetime value and customer acquisition costs
The difficulty of tracking rate of change of LTV over time
Glew gives you the devices to target and upsell to your ideal customers
Over 70% of your data is locked up in your e commerce cart and Google Analytics
65 cents of every advertising dollar on the planet goes to Facebook and AdWords
How to integrate Glew data analysis into your standard workflow every day
How everyone can start using Glew
Econsultancy and Adobe 2019 Digital Trends report
Data elevates the customer experience