This week's episode dives into the realm of financing the Geothermal decade and how it can happen, what is holding it back and some key things to consider when pitching to investors. I sit down with Magnus Brandberg, partner at Gullspang Invest and Chairman of Baseload Capital to discuss his background and experience with the genesis of Baseload capital as a financing and development company and as a venture capitalist investor. His main points are that we cannot confuse uncertainty with risk and have to be patient with investing in Geothermal. You can't change the energy economy overnight and technology takes time, so don't bet more than you can lose, but don't be afraid to lose. 

Gullspang Invest

Magnus Brandberg

Baseload Capital

Magnus's book recommendation

The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday & Alfred Nobel by Ingrid Carlberg

Nick Cestari

CORE Knowledge

Geothermal Rising Conference 2022