Previous Episode: CE 64: Pixel: ru²
Next Episode: CE 66: Ryan S Dancey

After a long dormant period inside the volcano, Mike Rugnetta from PBS Idea Channel returns for a reasoned discussion about the nature of games and our media. In addition to talking about his work with PBS and podcasting, we look into the obtuse nature of non-DS Zelda, the corruption that nostalgia can throw on your game replays, and the persistent ear-plugging of the angry gamer bros.


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PBS Idea Channel
Reasonably Sound Podcast

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My latest Unboxing video

[LINK] Mike's tweets regarding Feminist Frequency
[LINK] Equality is the worst thing that could happen
[LINK] Passing off Anti-Feminist Nonsense as Critique
[LINK] Jim Sterling: Social Justice Warriors and Ganondorf
[LINK] League of Legends critics are trying to sell themselves, not fix the game
[LINK] The Note 4 VR Rig
[LINK] Explore Destiny with Google Street View
[LINK] What happens if you op everyone on a server

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