In this episode, Katie focuses on happiness -- and how you can achieve it. Happiness: What Is It? What Isn't It?  Happiness doesn't mean that everything always goes your way. 

Happiness doesn't mean that you're over-the-moon ecstatic 24/7. 

Far from it.

Happiness means that you choose positivity. You choose to endure. You choose to look on the bright side. You choose to keep on keepin' on - even in the face of adversity. 

Happiness is about the choices you make.

Happiness is about choosing joy in your heart.  The 7-Day Happiness Challenge Because happiness is about the choices you make, there are things you can do to create a happier life, and the 7-day challenge can help you get there.

Each day, I'll post a new challenge both here and on social media so feel free to follow along!  Back to Nature Give to another Focus on meditation Self-care Attitude of gratitude  Make a new goal Affirmations 
I won't be leaving you alone either; I'll be doing the challenge with you, showing you science-backed reasons how these small acts contribute to happiness.    Join our community here.  

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