Welcome! We're veteran cookbook authors Bruce Weinstein & Mark Scarbrough, authors of three dozen cookbooks with more than a million copies sold over the years.

Our latest, out in November, 2023, is THE LOOK & COOK AIR FRYER BIBLE. It's a comprehensive look at using your air fryer to its full potential with over 700 photographs, one for every step of every recipe. You can find it here.

In this episode of our food and cooking podcast, we're taste-testing store-bought chocolate chip cookies. See which we think are worth the calories (and money) and which are best given a pass.

We've also got a one-minute cooking tip. And we'll tell you what's making us happy in food this week.

Here are the segments for this episode of COOKING WITH BRUCE & MARK:

[01:10] Our one-minute cooking tip: Fry in tall or deep pots to reduce the splatters.

[05:31] Our taste-tests of store-bought chocolate chip cookies. We'll rate them and let you know how the stand up to each other. Join in the fun!

[15:55] What’s making us happy in food this week? Pork ribs and half sour pickles!