Let's talk about the grocery store! Not about what's there or how to find the best that's there. Instead, about how the modern grocery store got to be the way it is . . . and maybe some notions of where it's headed.

We're veteran cookbook authors Bruce Weinstein & Mark Scarbrough. We've published three dozen cookbooks through several New York publishers. This podcast is about our passion: food and cooking.]

Want to see our latest cookbook? It's THE LOOK & COOK AIR FRYER BIBLE. Over seven hundred photographs, one for every step of every recipe. You can find it here.

Here are the segments for this episode of COOKING WITH BRUCE & MARK:

[01:04] Our one-minute cooking tip: Eat greasy or coated chips with chopsticks to keep your fingers clean.

[03:38] The evolution of the modern grocery store: from self-serving to its modern incarnation with our thoughts of where things may be headed.

[25:38] What’s making us happy in food this week: a game to help you learn how to use chopsticks and ramen in New Haven, CT, at Mecha Noodle Bar.