Hey there, we're veteran cookbook authors Bruce Weinstein & Mark Scarbrough, authors of three dozen cookbooks (NOT including those ghost-written for celebrities--now there's a story!).

In this episode of COOKING WITH BRUCE & MARK, we've got a one-minute cooking tip about tasting food through the process of cooking. We're taking on some of the most common cooking myths. We can't believe they're still around! And we'll tell you what's making us happy in food this week.

We take apart 101 cooking myths in our book, LOBSTERS SCREAM WHEN YOU BOIL THEM AND 100 OTHER MYTHS ABOUT COOKING. If you'd like to get your hands on a copy, click on this link right here.

[00:54] Our one-minute cooking tip: taste what you're cooking during the process of cooking, not just at the end (but be safe!).

[04:20] We're taking on some of the most common cooking myths.

[18:14] What’s making us happy in food this week? "Drunken" rice noodles )with chicken and basil) and Fresno chilis.