Join us, Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough for our magazine-format cooking podcast. We’ve written thirty-five cookbooks, including our latest, INSTANT POT BIBLE RESTAURANT COPYCATS. We’d love to share our food know-how and our lives with you!
[00:30] Our own food debate. Which of us is right about the biggest controversies on our food universe? And who do you agree with?
[07:29] Our one-minute cooking tip: season cold food more heavily than warm food
[08:32] Bruce’s interview with Dan Richer, author of The Joy Of Pizza and owner of Razza Pizza.
[21:21] What’s making us happy in food this week? Fudgy the beer and pickled herring (but not together!).

Join us, Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough for our magazine-format cooking podcast. We’ve written thirty-five cookbooks, including our latest, INSTANT POT BIBLE RESTAURANT COPYCATS. We’d love to share our food know-how and our lives with you!

[00:30] Our own food debate. Which of us is right about the biggest controversies on our food universe? And who do you agree with?

[07:29] Our one-minute cooking tip: season cold food more heavily than warm food

[08:32] Bruce’s interview with Dan Richer, author of The Joy Of Pizza and owner of Razza Pizza.

[21:21] What’s making us happy in food this week? Fudgy the beer and pickled herring (but not together!).