We have always been blown away and inspired by the people we get to chat with on this podcast. In today's podcast, we get to share our interview with tribal archaeologist for the Cocopah Indian Tribe, Jill McCormick!

We are still trying to wrap our minds around how Jill accomplishes so much! Not only is she the Tribe's award-winning archaeologist she is also their cultural resource manager.  Her work goes beyond this too. Jill is an Associate Professor at Arizona Western College and for the last 20 years, she has been the regional coordinator for the Arizona Site Steward program in Yuma. We aren't finished... Jill is also an avid runner, a mother of seven and a proud grandmother! There is more in the podcast about Jill and her excellent work in the podcast but you'll need to listen to it to find out more!

Despite her busy schedule, she took time out from visiting her new grandchild to talk with us and to share a secret about the importance of the meal prep for those in the field, or out, that are confronted with a time crunch! She also threw us a recipe for a protein cookie!