Ever heard of glacier archaeology? No!? Well, neither have we until today!  Lars Pilo and his colleague Espen Finstad from Oppland fylkeskommune are two daring glacial archaeologists working in the cold and unforgiving mountains of Norway. Lars joins us to discuss their work and their project, "Secrets of the Ice". The work they are doing is not only adventurous but it is groundbreaking and is changing our knowledge of the past almost daily. Lars mentions some of the incredible finds that they have recovered from hunting equipment to a 3500-year-old animal skin shoe and a woven mitten from the Viking period. Besides all of the glitz and glamour that comes with this project, the logistics are another matter. Lars talks about some of the challenges of working in a high altitude environment. It's not for everyone!

This is a great podcast, especially for all you adrenaline junkies and adventure seekers!