Are you kept up a night trying to tackle the problems of early hominid evolution? Like, what's the significance of language to the production of stone tools? Or, what's going on in a person's brain while they are knapping away on some stones? Well, grab some popcorn and hold on to your seats and brace yourself for some hardcore knowledge! We had the privilege to chat with Dr. Shelby Putt from the Stone Age Institute in Indiana who is doing some really exceptional and intriguing research. 

Shelby has been working hard on a study to understand what's going on in the human brain during stone tool production. Using imaging technology of modern human brains her research focuses on the Oldowan and Acheulian stone tool industries to find some answers.   Through her hard work and passion,  Shelby has revealed a lot about our early ancestors and the stone tools they produced. I could write more but I'll leave it to the expert to explain it so you need to download and listen to the podcast!

In the closing moments of the interview. The food portion of the program. Shelby admits she is a picky eater. I think this is code for, "I don't cook." Anyway, she does share with us her experience abroad. We've all been there. We've had food put in front of us that confronts our long-held food phobia or avoidance. I have a friend who gags at the sight of strawberries. That's extreme.  Shelby's isn't so extreme. She just didn't like seafood. This all changed when she did fieldwork in Indonesia. It's a great story about being human, letting go, and trying something new! Enjoy!