Monique Arntz is a Ph.D. student at Cambridge University working with clay figurines from the Neolithic period. She began her research journey at the University of Leiden analyzing and writing about figurines from Tell Sabi Abyad in Syria. She since has expanded her research to include figurines from the famous site of Catal Huyuk in Turkey.

In this podcast, Monique discusses the background of her research, what she is looking for and the significance of her work. She drops some theory on us that makes you really think. Towards the end of our talk, Monique spontaneously turned into motivational speaker Tony Robbins.  Monique throws out some sage advice for all us when we are second guessing ourselves or feeling overwhelmed by life's obstacles. Did I say obstacles? I meant challenges! See, now I have to listen to her again to get my head screwed on straight! 

Finally, Monique shares with us a tortilla recipe she learned when working in the field in Turkey. It's a good one!