This is a quick podcast episode about moving through stress, fear, and anxiety. I use Insight Timer with my kids. We found one called, The Tale of the Mysterious by Reuben Lowe. It’s a 10 day journey for kids (and kids at heart) to realize that they can control connect with their breath and body in order to calm down.

This is a powerful practice of sitting with our emotions and moving them. The “mist” is scary thoughts that we all have. It was a powerful experience to go through with both of my children and we revisit it often because we all need reminders that the mist is not real and that we can create calm by connecting to our breath and bodies.

Full Show Notes, Journal Prompts & Transcript:

Please tag me @itscarlacontreras on Instagram so I can continue the conversation with you. Use the hashtag #showupfullypodcast

Eat Well,

xo Chef Carla

PS: Curious about becoming a Health Coach? Listen to this episode.

PPS: Download my new book, Collagen A Love Story inside you'll find 20 Beauty Food Recipes: Smoothies, Drinks, Soup, and Sweet Treats Download your Free Copy


1. I am a professionally trained chef and certified holistic health coach; I am also Nutritious Life certified. I am not a nutritionist or RD. I am not a doctor or qualified healthcare professional.

2. The information contained on this site is my opinion based on research and personal experience unless otherwise stated and should not be substituted for qualified medical advice. Health-related information is in no way intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any medical or other condition.

3. Always seek the counsel of a qualified medical practitioner or other healthcare provider for an individual consultation before making any significant changes to your diet and lifestyle or to answer questions about specific medical conditions.

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