Cheers to me, and cheers to you, and cheers to Scott my podcast producer, and cheers to all the cookbook readers, writers, collectors, and club members that have been on the show. It’s amazing to stop here and pause as I record my 200th episode and celebrate my 4th year of doing the podcast this September.

Recipe Week was great and I had so much fun teaching and diving deep into recipes. As a follow-up, I’d like to invite you to join Recipe Camp and the 30 Recipes in 30 Day Challenge inside Get Paid to Get Published. If you want to create 30 new recipes by the end of July, and then write them by September 1, 2022, Recipe Camp is for you. See the link below to join!

Things We Mention In This Episode:

Join Get Paid to Get Published and Recipe Camp Starts July 1, 2022

Free Masterclass: How to Get Paid to Write a Cookbook and Get it Published