Welcome to another episode of the podcast. Today on the podcast I discuss the differences between cookbook coaches and cookbook agents. There is a role for both coaches and agents in the writing landscape, just like in sports. 

Coaches are paid by the writer upfront for their coaching sessions, programs, or services. Cookbook coaches help writers:
Achieve their dream of writing a cookbook
Refine their book idea
Define their audience
Pitch agents and publishers who accept unsolicited proposals
Edi work on the proposal
Provide accountability and move the project along
With emotional support to writers
Understand the publishing process
With their contacts in the publishing industry

Agents are generally not paid upfront by the author. They earn their income from their  15% cut of the earnings of the writer. Agents assist writers with their:
Contacts in the publishing industry
Role as the middle-person between writers and publishers
Experience as a negotiator
Contract and advance negotiation
Inside knowledge about editorial budgets
Inside knowledge about what editors may be looking for
Shaping the proposal to send what publishers want
Leverage subsidiary rights and foreign language translations
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Things We Mention In This Episode:

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