I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design with designer Dennese Guadeloupe Rojas. I had the chance to chat with this DC/ Maryland based designer, and principal of Interiors By Design about a lot of things, not the least of which, authenticity.

Think about it. Being authentic in all our creative endeavors is so critical to not just the work but how we feel about our own work. One of the things I lament most in the post-pandemic era is the lack of time and focus on authenticity. Think about it for a minute. There is an art to being authentic. It means being not only true to yourself, your work, your friends and family but also to the design and creative process by which we all work. I don’t think it is possible to be completely true to any of these things in a time when every aspect of the business is so unpredictably fluid right now. At a time when the on again, off again gatherings. I was at Design Chicago but bailed out of KBIS this year. And for designers trying to do the work only to have costs boosted by 30% or more on shipping and pricing, timelines continuing to shift outward and making it more challenging to remain creative and relate to the business. But we’re also talking about how Denise stays fresh, sharp and focused. g a constant stream of reselects. It’s draining. Draining emotionally and that draws from ones ability to create. So, were talking about this and other ideas with an immensely creative designer. I think you are going to like this, I hope so.

Thank you for the time and conversation, Dennese! Thank you ThermaSol, Article, York Wallcoverings and Franz Viegener for your partnership and support. You are remarkable partners and amazing allies for the trade. And, thank you for listening, remember why you do what you do and that the business of design is about making better the lives of those we serve. Until next week. Be well and take today first.

Designer Resources

ThermaSol - Redefining the modern shower experience

Article, great style is easy. It's the best way to buy beautiful modern furniture.

York Wallcoverings - Designed to inspire for over 125 years.

Franz Viegener - Finely crafted sculptural faucets

I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design with designer Dennese Guadeloupe Rojas. I had the chance to chat with this DC/ Maryland based designer, and principal of Interiors By Design about a lot of things, not the least of which, authenticity.

Think about it. Being authentic in all our creative endeavors is so critical to not just the work but how we feel about our own work. One of the things I lament most in the post-pandemic era is the lack of time and focus on authenticity. Think about it for a minute. There is an art to being authentic. It means being not only true to yourself, your work, your friends and family but also to the design and creative process by which we all work. I don’t think it is possible to be completely true to any of these things in a time when every aspect of the business is so unpredictably fluid right now. At a time when the on again, off again gatherings. I was at Design Chicago but bailed out of KBIS this year. And for designers trying to do the work only to have costs boosted by 30% or more on shipping and pricing, timelines continuing to shift outward and making it more challenging to remain creative and relate to the business. But we’re also talking about how Denise stays fresh, sharp and focused. g a constant stream of reselects. It’s draining. Draining emotionally and that draws from ones ability to create. So, were talking about this and other ideas with an immensely creative designer. I think you are going to like this, I hope so.

Thank you for the time and conversation, Dennese! Thank you ThermaSol, Article, York Wallcoverings and Franz Viegener for your partnership and support. You are remarkable partners and amazing allies for the trade. And, thank you for listening, remember why you do what you do and that the business of design is about making better the lives of those we serve. Until next week. Be well and take today first.

Designer Resources

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience

Article, great style is easy. It’s the best way to buy beautiful modern furniture.

York Wallcoverings – Designed to inspire for over 125 years.

Franz Viegener – Finely crafted sculptural faucets