This is Convo By Design featuring an absolutely amazing creative whose zig-zagged creative journey took many turns in a path that found him in the envious position in which he sits today. Founder and CEO of his namesake multi-line showroom. This is Anderson Somerselle. As you might imagine, after hosting and producing this show for 8 years soon to be in our 9th, I speak to many creatives who each have their own personal and professional journey and you hear from them once they have arrived. I find the path fascinating and no two paths are alike. Some are similar, but none exactly the same.

Anderson Somerselle is originally from the Virgin Islands. His path took what I like to call ‘pinballing through the biz’ which so many of us, myself included seem to do on our way to where we feel we should be. Somerselle has worked luxury design retail on the floor, later running departments within luxury design showrooms. Anderson gathered the experience and started his own luxury showroom featuring an impressive collection of unique brands. His methods are different than traditional showrooms and because of this, he offers a unique showroom experience. You will learn all about it here.

Thank you for listening and subscribing to Convo By Design, a podcast for the design and architecture trade. Inside stories and in depth conversations with those shaping the industry. If you are not already doing so, please subscribe to the podcast. You will find Convo By Design everywhere you find your favorite shows like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Design Network dot org.

Convo By Design is presented by Walker Zanger, an incredible partner in design. The show is also supported by ThermaSol, another design partner who is always looking to help designers and architects do their best work. For more information from both of these amazing partners, as well as this weeks guest, you will find direct links in the show notes.

Thank you, Anderson. Love your story and really appreciate you sharing it. Thank you Walker Zanger for presenting Convo By Design. Thank you ThermaSol for your partnership. You are both remarkable partners and amazing allies for the trade. And, thank you for listening, remember why you do what you do and that the business of design is about making better the lives of those we serve. Until next week, be well and take today first.

This is Convo By Design featuring an absolutely amazing creative whose zig-zagged creative journey took many turns in a path that found him in the envious position in which he sits today. Founder and CEO of his namesake multi-line showroom. This is Anderson Somerselle. As you might imagine, after hosting and producing this show for 8 years soon to be in our 9th, I speak to many creatives who each have their own personal and professional journey and you hear from them once they have arrived. I find the path fascinating and no two paths are alike. Some are similar, but none exactly the same.

Anderson Somerselle is originally from the Virgin Islands. His path took what I like to call ‘pinballing through the biz’ which so many of us, myself included seem to do on our way to where we feel we should be. Somerselle has worked luxury design retail on the floor, later running departments within luxury design showrooms. Anderson gathered the experience and started his own luxury showroom featuring an impressive collection of unique brands. His methods are different than traditional showrooms and because of this, he offers a unique showroom experience. You will learn all about it here.

Thank you for listening and subscribing to Convo By Design, a podcast for the design and architecture trade. Inside stories and in depth conversations with those shaping the industry. If you are not already doing so, please subscribe to the podcast. You will find Convo By Design everywhere you find your favorite shows like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Design Network dot org.

Convo By Design is presented by Walker Zanger, an incredible partner in design. The show is also supported by ThermaSol, another design partner who is always looking to help designers and architects do their best work. For more information from both of these amazing partners, as well as this weeks guest, you will find direct links in the show notes.

Thank you, Anderson. Love your story and really appreciate you sharing it. Thank you Walker Zanger for presenting Convo By Design. Thank you ThermaSol for your partnership. You are both remarkable partners and amazing allies for the trade. And, thank you for listening, remember why you do what you do and that the business of design is about making better the lives of those we serve. Until next week, be well and take today first.